Learn everything about Rune Seeker

Rune Seeker is a strategy card game with a turn-based format, also is a free-to-play game that can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

Rune Seeker
10 min readSep 8, 2022

It is difficult to determine if existing Game Fi titles are assisting the general public in developing the correct perspective and appreciation for blockchain. But we, the developers of Rune Seeker, believe that blockchain will bring humanity enormous benefits if it is properly understood and utilized. Still for years, to educate the public on blockchain and cryptocurrency has been a challenging task.

Nevertheless, in Rune Seeker we are taking baby steps together. We recognize that everything about the game, including the blockchain technologies applied to it, can be overwhelming for newcomers. For that reason, this article is dedicated to answer the most fundamental, essential questions about the game so that players can briefly learn what Rune Seeker is, how blockchain has been applied to it, and whether or not the game is what you are looking for.

Let’s get started!

What is Rune Seeker?

Rune Seeker is a strategy card game with a turn-based format. Similar to other card games, players will use their Rune sets to gain control of the situation and defeat their opponents. In contrast to the majority of modern card games, which rely heavily on the duel mechanism, i.e. trying to defeat the opponent through merely card power, the Runes here only function as spell cards which utilize and manipulate the power of Units and Terrain.

Each match’s terrain will be generated at random, so players will almost never encounter the same field twice throughout their journeys. With the Rune set in hand, the player’s main objective is to manipulate the terrain’s power to buff his army (and possibly debuff his opponent’s army), and ultimately to win the battle.

In other words, we can refer to Rune Seeker as a terrain-focused card game.

The Whitepaper provides additional information on in-game combat mechanisms.

What makes Rune Seeker exceptional?

We plan to add depth and value to Rune Seeker by incorporating strategy and tactics into almost every action. Not only in the layout of the squad at the beginning of the game, but also in how you construct your squad, develop your base, and collect Runes.

We introduce three key gameplay elements that do not currently exist in any card game.

  • Starting from Player Base: Players begin their journeys at their own Player Bases on which they can construct strategic buildings. These structures provide necessary resources and space for squad construction. Simply put, resources contain the materials needed to upgrade Units, and to boost the success rate and decrease the waiting time, cost, etc. of this process. This Base element is currently absent from the majority of modern card games.
  • To Units: In essence, Runes are useless without Units and almost so without suitable Units. Each Unit has a unique *capacity* specification that determines how many Runes you can bring into the game. There are Units with weak attack specs but a large capacity for Runes, and vice versa. Moreover, each Unit will belong to different races, and possess distinct skill sets that can be activated passively when it is their turn or actively by Runes. These Units are infinitely upgradable, and their form, strength, abilities, and types evolve over time. Pokemon? Yes, why shouldn’t Units in card games evolve to become stronger and more splendid?
  • Last but not least, Runes: In contrast to other card games, Rune sets in Rune Seeker consist of two randomly generated and distinct components. Combinations of 100 times 100 pieces of such can generate up to 10,000 unique Runes. Therefore, players will rarely encounter players with Runes similar to theirs. Besides this factor, the value of Runes also depends on game meta and their compatibility with player strategies, as opposed to rarity or power.

How has Blockchain technology been applied to Rune Seeker?

Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with blockchain: Rune Seeker is designed primarily for the masses. We are on a mission to promote blockchain’s widespread adoption by creating a technology that serves even the smallest fraction of those who care about it. Akin to other traditional mobile games, players can register and download this game with ease. Players can sign up for an account via a social network, Google, or Apple. You can even choose to play without an account until you create one and synchronize your existing data.

Rune Seeker is a free-to-play game that can be downloaded from the AppStore and Google Play.

Blockchain technology is implemented in Rune Seeker so that $RUNES (the game’s primary currency) can function as a token and items can be minted into NFT. This is meant to guarantee:

  • Players will own their $RUNES and NFTs, which will be stored in their personal wallets and traded with direct authorization.
  • Transactions involving $RUNES and NFT will occur on the blockchain, ensuring security, speed, cost reduction, convenience, and transparency.
  • Ensure liquidity for the derivatives market established by the community of players, and entice the participation of numerous parties.

In contrast to other traditional games in which players deposit money and receive the corresponding amount of game currency — which is completely self-distributed and manipulatable by the publisher — Rune Seeker provides players with more benefits. In-game investments are converted directly into $RUNES using blockchain technology, and items are protected by the community. The community of players will conduct peer-to-peer transactions, thereby determining their value, granting players unrestricted access to all items and $RUNES.

Simply put, we are reintroducing the fundamental elements of the real world and traditional games to the virtual space. While offline games (such as Yu-Gi-Oh) allow players to own their decks and compete against one another, online games can only provide playing experience and almost no ownership. In other words, virtual games can create positive gaming experience, but everything in them does not exist, nor belongs to any player, and could vanish if the publisher goes out of business. This is in stark contrast to how we play real-life games, where the rare Yu-Gi-Oh deck remains tucked away in the cabinet after the player stops playing.

Blockchain makes the internet world more secure and “physical”. Unlike files or lines of code in traditional games, which are copyable and cannot be identified, NFTs or $RUNES are identified and stored on the blockchain. The crypto wallet serves as a locker, and NFT items are neatly stored there regardless of what transpires. You can always trade it as long as a buyer exists (the same goes for Yu-Gi-Oh cards or any other physical item).

Note that blockchain minting does not create value directly for the NFT. However, the fact that a digital item can become NFT and cannot be counterfeited, or tampered with… ensures that players can determine its value.

Now imagine the Rune Seeker world championship tournament. The champion secured an emotional victory by using a Rune card that swung the balance of power. Since this Rune is a non-fungible token, it has been identified on blockchain and everyone knows how to identify it. The champion can then auction his card, as it will exist on the blockchain and cannot be counterfeited. Other similar tokens or images of this token carry different identifiers, so neither can be used for fraud. The entire community is aware of the card’s identifier, and its entire transaction history has been permanently recorded on the blockchain. This makes the NFT even more trustworthy and secure than physical collectibles.

The same cannot be said for other traditional games, as the “champion card” is merely a line of code, an extract file, and is entirely contained within the publisher’s ecosystem.

I hope my explanation not only helps you understand Rune Seeker, but also the way NFT works.

Which in-game items are NFTs?

NFT is applied to four primary types of items:

  • Runes: Adventitious, Unique, and Rare

Each rune consists of two rune shards of the Creation and Absorption types. The difference in rarity or strength between them is not something we actively design; rather, it is decided by the market and the community after the game has run its course.

In the beta, Rune Seeker begins with 10000 independent Runes, made of 100 Creation and 100 Absorption shards. Even if the Rune Shard pool stays the same and generates a million Runes on average, there will be only about 100 cards of the same type, preserving the scarcity and uniqueness.

Players must actively trade to find the best Rune for their strategy. Knowing that one man’s trash may be another man’s treasure will encourage community members to conduct transactions.

  • Unit — Selling “raised” NFTs

Units get strengthened and acquire unique characteristics due in accordance with player investment — they will have to spend resources on evolving and powering up Units. When minting NFTs, these indicators will be reserved. For this reason, some players might opt for “raising” Units to sell to players need such characteristics but lack the time and patience to fulfill them.

  • Building — Essential and flamboyant

The building system decides the required time and production efficiency for upgrading, evolution, and crafting. The game’s hierarchy of rarity and value is developed based on building efficiency. For this reason, the building system is geared toward producing NFTs with high value and good liquidity.

  • Hero Skin — Adventitious, distinctive, and individualized

A Hero skin production pool is created from 12 full skin sets, each with six components. Skins created by three or more pieces from the same set get a small boost in secondary stats.

The ratio and rarity of the skin combination in Rune Seeker are as follows:

If this is a blockchain-based game, will I earn money and must I invest?

This is a free-to-play game, and players can utilize all of its features without any restrictions. Therefore, you need not be concerned about expenses.

Notably, although Rune Seeker is a blockchain game, we are not in any way xxx-to-earn (such as play-to-earn, win-to-earn, etc.). This is to protect the player’s interests. The vast majority of current play-to-earn games have failed or been redirected. Many of which have been alleged of ponzi schemes. The constant minting of tokens to reward players is essentially an overt inflation mechanism, and without a corresponding influx of new players and capital, the token’s value will depreciate over time.

In order to avoid this pitfall, Rune Seeker does not award any tokens to the player during gameplay. The total amount of tokens produced is proportional to the total amount of money the player has spent. We would expect players to pay the same as for other traditional games; however, this has nothing to do with the promise of “profitable funding”. We minimize token-inflation-causing activities and eliminate token staking rewards. More information is available in the project’s Whitepaper.

However, players will continue to receive items, resources, and upgrade their squads and bases to increase their value. All items, including Units, Runes, Skins, and Buildings, are tradable if the player mints them as NFTs and sells them on the market. We also provide side quests for players to increase their rewards and decrease their waiting times, allowing them to upgrade and evolve their squads more quickly. This task may involve simple tasks such as watching advertisements, similar to other traditional games. Advertising revenue will now be used to pay for staking rewards (in forms of stablecoins to prevent the inflationary effects of token generation). Therefore, if a player obtains some items and is confident that other players are willing to pay a certain price for them, he can mint NFTs and list them on the market. This is a fundamental component of a healthy and sustainable economy, as his income will be derived from other players’ spending based on their legitimate needs.

Or, you can purchase $RUNES to build a team without worrying too much about inflation, as it is not used to attract new players.

With this information, are you ready to play Rune Seeker? Learn more at our official website.

More articles can be found at runeseeker.medium.com

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Rune Seeker

Specialized magazine of the marketing team from Rune Seeker. Bringing you the latest insights and breaking news from Rune Seeker.